Demand Forecast & Accuracy
See it here in the Anaplan Partner Solutions Showcase
Allitix’s Demand Forecast & Accuracy model allows clients to dynamically forecast product demand utilizing a variety of assumptions and drivers. It combines an aspect of statistical forecasting, historical drivers and top down assumptions to provide users with multiple forecast iterations. The forecast compare & accuracy components allows end users to view variances between historical forecasts and how accurate those forecasts are to their actual demand.
Forecast Comparison & FORECAST ACCURACY
Forecast versions can be seen side-by-side displaying deltas in forecast demand, as well as forecast accuracy compared to actual demand.
Product lifecycles can be created to view historic product releases and how they impact similar product demand.
Forecast Plan
End users can forecast demand by product and region based on several demand drivers. Prior and current forecast amounts can be can be compared side-by-side for reference.
Statistical Forecast
The model processes historic demand through 12 statistical methods and selects the best method to predict forecasted demand. This best method can be selected as a demand driver in the planning dashboard.